What’s my current creative mission?

It’s a mission to save the future of the world. (You know, as if one thing could.)
Returning to Bellingham in the heat of the pandemic during 2020, I aborted my years-long slow exploration of European off-the-beaten-path places via house/pet-sitting. Living like a locale, not a dang tourist, hiking daily in nearby inspiring wildernesses.
Back in the Pacific Northwest, first thing I did was this:
Pause Everything.
I intentionally began a quiet, contemplative, exploratory period lasting several months. (Surprise!) A time for creative expansion, not immediately honing in on something new.
I’m what is often called a multipotentialite. As accurately explained by Wikipedia, “A multipotentialite is a person who has many different interests and creative pursuits in life. Multipotentialites have no “one true calling” the way specialists do. … We have many paths and we pursue all of them, either sequentially or simultaneously (or both).”
Here’s one thing that page doesn’t mention: sometimes multipotentialites need a pause. That’s how we reinvent ourselves creatively from time to time.
I considered returning to some cherished ideas that were unfinished. Such as a cool database of top award-winning children’s books. A middle-grade novel. And a few others.
Nope. Not now.
Eventually, the following became evident:
The climate/biodiversity crises weighed heavily in my heart and mind. Thank you, Greta Thunberg, for the urgent wake up call!

So I began to look at ways I could contribute with positive, meaningful action — in our corner of the Pacific Northwest.
Ways to do good with my skills of master planning, strategic visioning, writing, innovation, creativity, nature connection, and research and analysis — all of which I enjoy immensely. Maybe propose some cheeky ideas that shoot a few eyebrows high — with a smile. And develop intriguing local collaborations, too.
Something that ALSO allows me to have a BALANCED, healthy lifestyle in Bellingham. And time for family and trusted friends.

After all, I’m goin’ to be a grandpa soon! Yippee! 🙂
So here’s what I decided to do, starting Spring 2021:
Form and lead Whatcom Million Trees Project, a 501c3 non-profit whose mission is to PLANT and PROTECT one-million trees in Whatcom County — and to CONNECT people in hands-on positive action and increased awareness of the many benefits of trees and healthy forests.
Plant * Protect * Connect — a three-part mission. Why? It’s the most effective and balanced way to engage people to address climate and biodiversity crises and to enhance the health and resilience of our local communities. And, importantly, to build hope in people to stay engaged! Other existing local nonprofits have long addressed riparian areas and land trust acquisitions, but what about the trees in County uplands and in urban forests/parks/greenways which don’t receive nearly as much attention or agency funding? That’s WTMP’s niche!
Learn all about it at the link above. It’s tremendously exciting and fulfilling to take this on, together with an all-volunteer team of talented folks.
A cool local nonprofit? A MILLION trees? Who would have thunk?
In addition to running WMTP, I also keep an eye out for other ways to help my local community of Bellingham, Washington.
In late 2022 I initiated a sizable community challenge matching grant that successfully raised the remaining $400,000 needed to construct a Pickford on Grand theatre project by the wonderful nonprofit Pickford Film Center. The new facility’s additional screens will give the Pickford much more programming flexibility — especially for potent, informative documentaries and school/special film events.
More efforts to come soon! Stay tuned!